although we have cut some of shakespeare's scenes, we feel we are still presenting an integrated whole 意味

  • シェイクスピアの原作にあるシーンのいくつかをわれわれの劇団はカットしたが, それでもまとまった全体を演じていると感じる



  1. "although they are so different, they live at ease with each other"の英語
  2. "although they sat side by side, the distance between them was great"の英語
  3. "although this is highly preferred"の英語
  4. "although this is now an unpopular view, there is much to be said for it"の英語
  5. "although we lost the case it was a moral victory for our side"の英語
  6. "although worded differently"の英語
  7. "although work could've gotten done better if it were in english"の英語
  8. "although you may already know"の英語
  9. "although this is highly preferred"の英語
  10. "although this is now an unpopular view, there is much to be said for it"の英語
  11. "although we lost the case it was a moral victory for our side"の英語
  12. "although worded differently"の英語

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